2016-02-20 - Relativistic Run


~11.0 miles @ ~10.9 min/mi

"... in a shorter skirt than I had ever seen her wear before!" A late-night babysitting anecdote catches the ears of those running ahead, who slow down to listen and commiserate. Ken and I have already done a few miles, along hilly Leland St and looping through downtown Chevy Chase where our banter about the fancy French restaurant there brings an enigmatic smile to the face of a woman who overhears. Gerald Epstein joins us in downtown Bethesda as we await Emaad and Rebecca, who arrive with entertaining stories of their morning travails. Small world: Jerry's undergrad advisor (Rainer Weiss) and my grad-school mentor (Kip Thorne) were both in the news this week re LIGO and gravitational wave detection. We chat about black hole event horizons and cosmological background radiation, injuries, marathons, and other fun topics. For the final mile I sprint to catch up with the fast youngsters, then can't resist adding a few more feet to get the GPS odometer to roll over past the next integer mile.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-03-01